Sunday, May 06, 2007

So Many Thoughts...

  1. Budget- Can I do it? I know I can do it. But have I accounted for everything?
  2. No clothes?? What? Did I just say that out loud. The thing about sharing your personal commitments/convictions is people hold you to them. Scary. No new clothes for a year.
  3. Why are crazy fools getting married when I haven't even had a prospect of a decent date in over a year (okay, One complete year of it was my fault but since March-nothing) My mom's mother's day request is I go on a date, seriously.
  4. How much money should I give to God and how much should go to savings? I know 10% is tithe but I am looking beyond that. And does the Bible say anything about a savings account, or something ancient that is comparable? Or is it a modern and unholy concept?
  5. Why is forgiveness something that seems to come and go in my life? I feel like I have forgiven him and then I see or hear something and I have all this rage. I know Gods not like that. I want to forgive him at this very moment I realize that he was a sick individual who was in need of a straight jacket, psychiatric help, and, mostly, God. But If I wake up after I nightmare I'll hate him and pray for him to go to hell. That's so bad... there's not even a word for that.
  6. Vegetarian?

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